Exercises increase:
- strength,
- resistance
- the elasticity of muscles, joints and ligaments
- coordination of movements
- range of motion
- strength
- speed
- coordination ...
Exercise has a beneficial effect on appetite and sleep, helps the body's defenses and stimulates healing mechanisms.
Good Practice Exercise Guide
- The exercise is demonstrated by a virtual therapist on-screen with optimal movement sequence. The patient sees himself on the screen while performing the exercise.
Depth Sensor For Movement Analysis
- During the exercise, a camera with built-in depth sensor scans 25 joint points of the exerciser within seconds and compares them with the optimal motion sequence.
Feedback In Real-Time
- The patient receives individualized feedback that covers individual aspects of movement execution. The feedback is highlighted visually and textually in the patient video in real-time.
Individual care
- Training programs can be tailored to the health and age of each member in seconds.
350+ exercises available
- 350+ functional exercises that are as varied and unique as your members. They can be activated with just a few clicks.